October 31, 2011

Kerala Style Butternut Squash/ Pumpkin Curry (Mathanga Curry)

A very Happy Halloween to all of you !! Hope you all had a fun-n-frolic filled fall season. My little girl is down with a cold :( so we skipped the trick-or-treat this time, but I did manage to dress her up in her Elmo costume and take a couple of pictures. I absolutely love this time of the year as it is neither too cold nor do I have to brave the scorching heat of the summer. The trees look absolutely marvellous with the vivid colored leaves ranging from golden-yellow to blood red to purple. Even a short drive to the grocery shop is a treat to the eyes with all the trees looking their best!

Since my roots are from Kerala I thought of posting a Kerala recipe for this occasion. I have been making this dish very frequently especially during the fall season when Butternut squash is in season, every year. Butternut squash has a sweet, nutty taste similar to that of a pumpkin so you can substitute it for pumpkin. 

Serves 6-8

1 Lb - Butternut squash or any Pumpkin
1/4 Cup - Yogurt
1 Cup - Water

To grind
1/3 Cup - Grated fresh Coconut
1/4 Tsp - Cumin / Jeera Seeds
2 - Fresh Green chilly
1 cm - Fresh Ginger
1 clove - Garlic
1/8 Tsp - Turmeric powder

Tadka / Seasoning
3- Red chilly
1/2 Tsp - Black Mustard seeds
Few - Curry Leaves
3- Shallots, thinly sliced

  • Wash, peel and and chop the butternut squash.
  • Cook the butternut squash in 1 cup of water and salt in a pressure cooker for about 10 minutes or until done.
  • Add coconut, jeera, green chilly, ginger, garlic and turmeric powder and grind it in a blender. Add this ground paste to the cooked squash
  • Whip the yogurt and add it to the cooked squash
  • In a separate pan, splutter mustard seeds, red chilly curry leaves and shallots and add it to the squash. Adjust the salt. Serve hot with Rice

October 30, 2011

Dhaba Chicken

The word 'Dhaba' refers to a Road-side restaurant. In India they are commonly found next to petrol/gas stations and on most interstate highways, and most of them are open all day. Since most Indian truck drivers hail from Punjab, and Punjabi food and music is quite popular throughout India, the word dhaba has come to represent any restaurant that serves primarily Punjabi food. Dhabas were characterized by mud structures and cots to sit upon (called 'chaarpai' in Hindi) while eating. A wooden plank would be placed across the width of the cot to place the dishes. With time, the cots were replaced by tables. The food is typically inexpensive and has a 'homemade' feel to it. Here is a chicken preparation that is commonly served in Dhabas that reflects simple yet scrumptious Punjabi cooking.
The last time I dined from a Dhaba was a few weeks before my wedding day, with my family, while traveling from Kerala to Coimbatore to buy my wedding saree and jewelery. Wedding shopping is a big deal in India, usually involving close family relatives and I really loved that trip, being the center of attraction that day and being able to spend some quality family time, shopping :). Being the first child on my mom's side of the family, my (now late) maternal uncle used to really pamper me and always tried to fulfill all my wishes. It got late as we wrapped up the shopping and all of us were tired after a day long shopping spree. After a few minutes on the highway I started hearing strange rumbling noises from my tummy. I was really hungry but having already left the city, we were in a deserted area with nothing much around. Slowly everyone in the car started getting hungry and we were just so ecstatic to see a dhaba up ahead, with bright lights and bustling with activity. Though my mom initially dissuaded us from eating there , thinking it might not be the safest option, my uncle was all for it so we finally decided to give it a try. A few dozen rotis and curry dishes later, we were completely satiated and captivated with the simply spicy but yummy delicious food!!!

Serves 6-8

2 1/2 Lb (1.10 Kg) - Chicken

2 Tbsp - Lemon Juice
1 tsp - Pepper powder
1/4 Tsp - Turmeric powder

12 cloves - Garlic
1 1/2 inch - Ginger
2 Cup - Finely chopped red onions
3 - Dry Red Chilly
12 -20 - Black Peppercorns (Depending on your spice level)
1 Tsp - Jeera seeds / Cumin seeds
1 Tsp - Red chilly powder
1 Tsp - Garam Masala
1 Tbsp - Coriander Powder
1/4 Tsp - Turmeric Powder
4 - Tomato
Fresh Cilantro for garnish

  • Marinate the chicken with lemon juice, pepper powder, turmeric powder and salt and keep it in the refrigerator.
  • Using a mortar and pestle crush the ginger and garlic and keep aside
  • Heat oil in a heavy bottom pan and add jeera seeds, black peppercorns and dry red chilly and saute until the jeera gives out an aroma. Be careful not to burn it.
  • Add the ginger and garlic and saute for a min. Add the chopped red onion and saute until they are dark brown.
  • Add  red chilly powder, garam masala, coriander powder, turmeric powder and saute for about 5 minutes.
  • Add the chicken pieces to the pan. Discard any marinade that is left. Now cook the chicken until the pieces are browned and almost all the water has evaporated. This might take a while but really worth the effort and time. By this time the chicken might be cooked through.
  • Roughly chop the tomatoes and add it to the blender to make a puree. Pour the tomato puree to the  browned chicken. Adjust the salt. Cook for 5 minutes and garnish with freshly chopped cilantro. Serve hot with Roti, Rice or Naan.
Notes and Tips
  • You can add a dollop of sour cream before serving
  • You can also add a dab of butter just before serving to make this dish rich and extra tasty
  • This dish has very less gravy, so in case you want more gravy just add a little water or milk with the tomato puree and cook to your desired consistency

October 29, 2011

Couscous with Scrambled eggs, Sun-dried tomatoes and Jalapenos

Another alternative to Rice
Couscous is a wonderful, versatile pasta. It is made from two different sizes of the husked and crushed, but unground, semolina of hard wheat, using water to bind them. It hails from Morocco and Northern Algeria, and is a staple throughout North Africa. It can be served as a breakfast cereal, dressed as a salad, and sweetened for a dessert. But in it's most common use, it accompanies a stew or savory sauce, much as rice does in other cultures.
For this recipe I have used sun-dried tomatoes with olive oil. Sun-dried tomatoes are ripe tomatoes placed in the sun to remove most of the water content, which brings out an exquisitely intense flavor. I buy mine from Costco but it is usually available in most grocery stores (international aisle).

Serves 8

2 C - Couscous
2 C - Water OR Vegetable stock \ Chicken stock \ Beef stock
3 - Eggs
1/4 C - Sun-dried tomatoes
2 Tbsp - Pickled Jalapenos
3 Tsp - Lime juice
3 Tbsp - Butter (optional)


Cook the couscous with water or stock as per the instructions on the package. After cooking add butter, salt, lime juice and mix well.
Whisk eggs in a bowl after seasoning them with salt. Heat some oil in a non stick pan and add the eggs. Cook the eggs until they are done. Now add the cooked couscous to the scrambled eggs. Mix well. Add chopped sun dried tomatoes and pickled jalapenos.

October 26, 2011

Super easy Rasmalai with Ricotta Cheese

A very, very happy Diwali to all of you !

Diwali is never complete without a spread of the best Indian sweets and this Rasmalai preparation is very easy, simple, quick and just tastes absolutely delish!

Diwali is an Indian festival also known as the 'Festival of lights' and is usually ushered in by lighting small clay lamps (diyas) filled with oil or engaging in colorful and varied fireworks, to signify the triumph of good over evil. All the celebrants wear new clothes and share sweets and snacks with family members and friends.  The exact day of the festival is decided by the position of the moon and Amavasya or 'no moon day' is considered as the perfect day to celebrate Diwali.

Growing up, my sister and I used to love this time of the year with all the firecrackers, mouth-watering Indian traditional sweets and colors. We used to visit our close family and friends and each house had their own assortment of delicious sweets and treats...

Makes 12

1 (24 oz) Tub - Ricotta cheese (Whole, Low-fat or Fat free)
1/8 Tsp - Cardamom powder (*Refer Notes)
1/2 Cup - Sugar
4 Tablespoon - Milk Powder

For the syrup
1 (12oz) Can - Evaporated milk
12 - Pistachio, shelled

3/4 Cup - Whole Milk (divided)
1/2 Tsp - Cardamom Powder(*Refer Notes)
1/2 Cup - Sugar
A few threads of Saffron
10 - Pistachio, roasted and chopped for garnish

  • Preheat the oven to 350F
  • Drain any excess liquid from the Ricotta cheese.
  • Add Ricotta cheese, sugar, milk powder and cardamom powder into a bowl and mix it using a electric hand mixer until smooth.
  • Divide the mixture equally into the muffin tray
  • Bake at 350 for 35-40 minutes or until a toothpick comes out clean when inserted into the ricotta mixture.

For the syrup
  • Add 12 Pistachio and 1/4 C milk to a blender and grind the Pistachio to a smooth paste
  • Add evaporated milk, 1/2 C milk, pistachio milk from the above step, sugar, cardamom, Saffron to a non-stick sauce pan and heat until the sugar dissolves.Take the sauce pan off the fire
  • Add the baked Ricotta into the syrup and refrigerate for at least 1 hour. Serve cold.
Notes and Tips
  • To make cardamom powder, grind the seeds and well as the skin in the spice grinder until its fine. If you are using cardamom powder which is made up of the seeds only, then it will be more potent, requiring a lesser quantity than mentioned in the recipe
  • If you don't have a Muffin tray, you can just bake the Ricotta cheese mixture in a rectangular glass or non-stick pan or any oven safe dish in which you bake your cake. After baking, cut it into the desired shape. I used a silicon muffin tray.
  • This recipe was updated on 1/15/2014

October 24, 2011

Paneer and Vegetable Kofta Curry / Cottage cheese and Vegetable Dumplings in Tomato Sauce

This recipe is dedicated to all my friends. Thanks a lot for keeping my spirits high and encouraging me to blog more :)
Kofta is one of my favorite indian vegetarian dishes but I dont make it that often because it involves deep frying.
Here is an interesting fact that I would like to share with this recipe: Deep frying absorbs less fat than shallow frying. Want to know why?  Here is the answer:
Cooler fat will absorb into fried foods more than fat kept at a good, steady 375 degrees. A deeper container of hot grease will retain it's temperature even with the introduction of cooler food items- just like a cast iron pot will stay hotter when cooler products are added than a thin aluminum pot of similar dimensions.


For the Kofta
3/4 C - Carrots, chopped
3/4 C - Cauliflower
3/4 C - Broccoli
1/2 C - Green Peas
12 Oz / 325gm / 2 Medium sized - Potato
1/2 C - Paneer shredded
1 Slice - Bread
3/4 Tsp - Jeera powder / Cumin Powder
3 to 4 Tbsp - Corn flour (*Refer Notes)
Oil for frying

For Gravy
2 1/4 C - Tomato, chopped
5 - Garlic, chopped
1/2 inch - Ginger, chopped
1 C - Red onion, chooped
1/2 Tsp - Red chilly powder
1/2 Tsp - Garam Masala
1.2 Tsp - Pepper
2 Tsp - Corn Starch
1 C - Whole Milk
Dollop of sour cream (optional)
Cilantro for garnish
Oil or butter

To make Kofta
  • Cook the potatoes in a pressure cooker. Skin them and keep aside.
  • Add bread to the blender and pulse to make bread crumbs.
  • Bring water to a boil in a steamer and then add carrots, chopped cauliflower, broccoli and green peas. Steam for 12- 15 minutes.
  • Take a bowl and add the cooked potatoes, carrots, chopped cauliflower, broccoli and green peas and mash them into a coarse lumpy mixture.
  • Add shredded paneer, salt, jeera powder, bread crumbs, cilantro and corn flour and mix well.
  • Make golf ball sized Kofta out of this mixture
  • To deep fry the Kofta, add oil to a Kadai or Wok and heat before you drop them into the oil. Fry until golden brown.
  • Drain on a paper towel.
To make the gravy
  • Add oil or butter to the pan and add onion, ginger and garlic. Saute until golden brown. Add chilly powder, garam masala, pepper and saute for 2 mintues. Add tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes are soft, about 5 minutes. Take the pan off the fire and let the mixture cool slightly.
  • Transfer the above mixture to a blender to make a smooth sauce.
  • Transfer the sauce from the blender to the pan. Add boiled milk. Bring this mixture to a boil. Add 2 tablespoons of water to the corn flour and add it to the boiling sauce. Mix until the gravy has thickened.
  • Add the kofta balls to the gravy and garnish with cilantro and sour cream. Serve hot with Roti, Naan, Chappati, Rice or Pulav.

 Notes and Tips
  • Fry a single Kofta first to make sure that the consistency is right. If the Kofta cracks while frying, it implies that you need to add more corn flour to your kofta mixture.
  • Steaming the vegetables is preferred to boiling them, to get the correct Kofta consistency, as steaming reduces the water content in the vegetables. 
  • You can add a dollop of butter on the dish before serving
  • Add 3-4 Tablespoons of heavy cream to make it rich.

Brussels Sprouts with Creamy Pepperjack Sauce

Thank God for Fridays !!  I love weekends as it is family time and my husband and I decided to dine at home this time, which is unusual for us on a Friday night. The very thought of dressing ourselves up on a rainy, chilly October night with jackets and the entire gear dissuaded us from stepping out. I guess we still have not accepted that winter is here :)
My husband was going to use some store-bought Rotisserie chicken lying in the fridge and his secret blend of ingredients to make his signature spicy pulled chicken dish while I decided to make a dish of Brussels sprouts . While he was shredding the chicken, I decided to quickly note down the recipe that I had in mind and almost immediately I hear a peculiar sound from the kitchen. I look up to see my husband trying to sharpen my favorite Carbon steel knife on the knife sharpener. I jump from my chair shouting 'oh no...don't do that.... !!!' Very innocently he asks 'Why not?' and I explain to him that the knife came with special instructions not to use it on a knife sharpener. OK, so one kitchen disaster almost averted and I come back to my chair to continue my writing and within a few minutes I see him heating the chicken in the microwave, in the plastic box in which it came in!!!  I rush to the microwave and immediately take the chicken out as microwaving food in plastic could cause the chemicals from the plastic to leach into the food and is a strict NO NO unless you are sure its microwave-safe plastic. Well, after the few initial hiccups, what matters in the end is the food and the company, which was both awesome .The pulled chicken, Brussels sprouts, some fresh baked bread paired with a nice crisp Chardonnay made for a yummy sumptuous meal.
Coming back to the dish, it is a very simple preparation with steamed Brussels sprouts and a creamy white sauce with Pepper jack cheese. This dish is very quick and easy to make and most importantly the steaming process accentuates the nutritional benefits of Brussels sprouts.

Serves 6

1 Lb- Brussels sprouts
1/4 C- Onion
4 cloves - Garlic
1 C - Milk
1 1/2 Tbsp - All purpose flour
1/2 C - Pepper Jack Cheese, shredded
1/2 Tsp - Worcestershire sauce
Oil or Butter
  • Rinse the Brussels Sprouts in water and cut them into quarters
  • In a steamer, add some water and bring it to a boil then add the Brussels sprouts. Steam for 5 minutes. Keep the Brussels Sprouts aside.
  • In a non-stick pan add oil, chopped garlic and onions and saute until the onions are translucent. Then add all-purpose flour and saute for 2 mins on medium simmer.This is done to cook the flour.
  • Add milk, cheese,Worcestershire sauce, pepper and salt and keep whisking the mixture until it thickens.
  • Pour the sauce on the steamed brussels sprouts
Notes and Tips
  • To make this sauce rich you can substitute the oil with butter and use whole milk instead of skimmed milk
  • After adding milk to the pan, you will have to stir continuously until the sauce has thickened, to avoid lumps of flour .
  • You can add your favorite cheese in place of Pepperjack cheese.

October 22, 2011

Multi Grain Bread with Chia, Flaxseed, Wheat Germ and Sunflower seeds

Don't waste your money on a bread machine when you can make your own artisan bread at home without any special equipments. If I can make it definitely you all can make it :) so go ahead and give it a try and you will be thrilled with your baking skills and achievement. I absolutely love bread and as promised here is another bread recipe and this time its a multi-grain bread with Chia seeds, Sunflower seeds,Wheat germ and Ground Flaxseed. If you don't have the ingredients listed under the 'Multigrain Ingredients' you can skip it completely and the result would be a good gourmet whole wheat bread. 
I would also like to highlight the health benefits of these grains used for this bread.

Chia is a great source of Omega 3's. It is also high in protein and very high in fiber. Chia seeds are easy to digest and don't need to be ground or mashed to release their nutritional benefits. One ounce of chia seeds, roughly 3 tablespoons, contains 150calories, 10 grams of healthy fat (mostly polyunsaturated fat) 0 mg cholesterol,6 milligrams of sodium, 5 grams of protein, 200 milligrams of calcium,and 12 grams of fiber. Chia seeds also contain phosphorus, magnesium, manganese,copper, iron, niacin and zinc.

  • Heart Health
  • Increase Energy
  • Relief From Rheumatoid Arthritis
  • Feeling Good
  • Anti Aging
  • Regulated Blood Pressure
  • Reducing Menopause Symptoms
  • Gastro-intestinal Health
  • Bone Health
  • Mental Health
  • Control Of Type ll Diabetes
  • Prenatal Health
  • Breast Health
  • Prostate Health
For other Chia Recipe click here

Flax seed is also a good source of omega-3 , fiber and can be used as a fat substitute.

  • Protection against Heart Disease, Cancer and Diabetes
  • Helps Prevent and Control High Blood Pressure
  • Lowers Blood Pressure in Men with High Cholesterol
  • Rich in Beneficial Fiber
  • Protects women against breast cancer and may serve a role in protecting post-menopausal woman from cardiovascular disease
  • Reduces Hot Flashes Almost 60%
  • Helps with Dry eye syndrome
Sunflower seeds: A handful of sunflower seeds will take care of your hunger, while also enhancing your health by supplying significant amounts of vitamin E, magnesium and selenium.

  • Improved Detoxification and Cancer Prevention from Sunflower Seeds' Selenium
  • Calm Your Nerves, Muscles and Blood Vessels with Sunflower Seeds' Magnesium
  • Sunflower Seeds' Phytosterols Lower Cholesterol
  • Anti-Inflammatory and Cardiovascular Benefits from Sunflower Seeds' Vitamin E
Wheat germ contains vitamins and minerals but it is especially rich in Vitamin E.It is also a good source of important B vitamins, such as folic acid, thiamin, vitamin B6 and minerals like magnesium, manganese, and zinc.
It has been found that oil derived from wheat germ improves strength and increases longevity. Studies found that the active elements in the germ are vitamin E and the essential fatty acids.

Wheat germ also contain Octacsanol a substance that helps to :
  • Fight against muscular disorders such as muscular dystrophy and neuro-muscular problems.
  • Lower cholesterol bad cholesterol levels
  • Improve muscular energy and provides endurance during exercise.
  • Provides longevity and vitality
  • Improves reflexes
  • Improves the utilization of oxygen during exercise.
  • Adjust the body during stress.

Makes 2 Loaves

For the yeast mixture
1 3/4 Cup plus + 2 tablespoon - Warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C)
1 (.25 ounce)packet  = 2 1/4 Tsp. Active dry yeast
2 1/2 Tablespoon - Honey
Dry Ingredients
2 1/2 Cup - Bread flour or All purpose flour (* Refer Notes)
1 3/4 Cup - Whole wheat flour

1 1/2 Teaspoon - Salt

Multigrain Ingredients
3 Tablespoon - Chia seeds
3 Tablespoon - Ground Flax seed
3 Tablespoon - Sunflower seeds
3 Tablespoon - Wheat Germ

1 1/2 Tablespoon - Butter, melted

For brushing (optional but recommended)
1 Tablespoon - Butter, melted

  1. To 1 3/4 Cup warm water (110 degrees F/45 degrees C) add yeast, and 2 1/2 tablespoon honey and keep it aside until the yeast becomes forthy. Less than 5 minutes
  2. Mix the dry ingredients (2 1/2 cups white bread flour or all purpose flour, 1 3/4 cup wheat flour, chia seeds, wheat germ, ground flax seed sunflower seeds and salt) together
  3. To a stand mixer or food processor and add the dry ingredients, the frothy yeast mixture and melted butter. Process until you get a dough ball. I had to add 2 tablespoons of water to get the right dough consistency. If you dont have a stand mixer or food processor you can use your hands to combine the ingredients.
  4. Take the dough out and place it in a greased bowl. Coat the surface of the dough with oil. Cover the bowl with a wet towel. Let rise in a warm place until doubled.
  5. Punch down the dough. Divide the dough into 2. Shape the dough into 15*3 inch rolls. Place in greased baking dish and make slits with a knife in a pattern of your choice. Allow to rise until dough has risen by one inch.
  6. Preheat the oven at 350 degrees F (175 degrees C) and bake for 30 to 35 minutes; do not over bake. Lightly brush the tops of loaves with 1 tablespoons melted butter or margarine when done to prevent crust from getting hard. Cool completely and store it in an airtight container.

Notes and Tips
  • This recipe was updated in June 2015
  • The substitution for bread flour is an equal amount of All purpose flour (Maida). Bread flour is ideal for making yeast breads. Bread flour contains between 12 and 14 percent protein, whereas all-purpose flour only has between nine and 11 percent protein. Its higher protein content and gluten strength make it easier to create substantial breads. Bread flour is available in most grocery stores, but not all. If you can't find bread flour, use an unbleached all-purpose flour. Other flours can be used as well, but you may need more or less yeast and flour to create yeast breads.
  • If you don't have the ingredients listed under the 'Multigrain Ingredients' you can skip it completely and the result would be a good whole wheat bread. But you might require a little more whole wheat flour.
  • Lightly brush the tops of loaves with 1 tablespoons melted butter or margarine when done to prevent crust from getting hard.
    *The nutritional information and health benefits are from various websites on the Internet.

October 20, 2011

Kale in Yogurt Sauce \ Kale Pachadi

Similar to Broccoli, Cauliflower and Collards, Kale is a descendant of the wild cabbage. It is considered a super-food based on ANDI scores (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index score) and is in fact on the top of the list, therefore considered super healthy and nutritious!
The healthiest way to cook Kale is by steaming as this method helps retain maximum nutrition and flavor.

Why you should consider eating Kale more often?

  1. Steam-cooked Kale provides you with special cholesterol-lowering benefits
  2. Kale has been identified in lowering risk of at least five different types of cancer.
  3. Antioxidant-Related Health Benefits
  4. Anti-Inflammatory Health Benefits
  5. Cardiovascular Support
  6. Kale has a definite role to play in support of the body's detoxification processes.
What is Pachadi?
Pachadi is a common traditional South Indian dish which can be made from a variety of vegetables like carrot, okra, bitter gourd, pineapple and so on. In the states of Kerala and Tamil Nadu, pachadi is typically made of cooked vegetables with yogurt seasoned with curry leaves and mustard seeds.


Medium sized bunch - about 1/2 Lb - Fresh Kale
1 Tbsp - Lime Juice
1 1/2 C - Yogurt

1/4 C - Coconut
2 - Green chilly
1/8 Tsp - Jeera / Cumin powder
1 Tsp - Mustard Seeds
Ginger Small Piece (approx 1 cm)
1/2 - Shallot/ Red Pearl Onion/ Kunjulli

Seasoning / Tadka
1/2 Tsp - Mustard seeds
Curry leaves
1 - Shallot (thinly sliced)
2 - Dry Red Chilly
  • Rinse Kale leaves under cold running water. Chop leaf portion into 1/4" slices and the stems into 1/8 " lengths for quick and even cooking.
  • To get the most health benefits from Kale, let sit for a minimum of 5 minutes before cooking. Sprinkling with lemon juice before letting them sit can further enhance its beneficial phytonutrient concentration.
  • Fill the bottom of a steamer pot with 2 inches of water.Once the water starts boiling add the Kale to the steamer and steam for 5 minutes or until tender. Keep the cooked Kale aside
  • Grind the coconut, green chilly, Jeera, Mustard seeds, ginger and shallots together in a blender to make a smooth paste.
  • Splutter some mustard seeds in a pan with some oil. Add curry leaves, shallot and dry red chilly.
  • Add cooked Kale to the pan. Add ground coconut paste and yogurt and cook for not more than 2 mins. Overheating will cause the yogurt to curdle.
Notes and Tips
  • The healthiest way of cooking Kale is by steaming, for maximum nutrition and flavor.
  • If you dont have a steamer you can cook Kale on stove-top
  • After adding the yogurt to the pan do not cook for long as this could cause the yogurt to curdle
The nutritional information is adpated from http://whfoods.org

Crumb Fried Fish with Mustard Marinade

A gloomy rainy day at home with an over-activated demanding constant attention is keeping me on my toes though I just want to crash in bed . I said to myself that the best way to jolt out of this mental slumber would be to step out of the house for a while and do what I like... hehe...like shopping...any kind of shopping relaxes me :). 

We (me and my lil munchkin ) therefore dress up and head out for some grocery shopping at Buehler's  down the street.  At the entrance I see a huge line of shopping carts and a few carts with toy cars attached and I think to myself that my little one might be better engaged riding that than a normal shopping cart. So for the first time I tried it out and it was a remarkable success, as Mia was having the time of her life behind the steering wheel. Every now and then, just to boost her spirits I would bow down to her level and say "Vrooom Vroooom"...which made her smile big time and turn the steering even more furiously :))
Both Mamma and Mia were having a great time and the best thing that happened was that we found some really good,fresh fillet of Swordfish, Cod and Smelt that just came in from Boston,that too, for a great price. My Mojo is already back up and we wrap up our shopping and head back home with a smile. On the way back driving ,I was pondering as to what I could prepare with such good fish and the answer was simple : I decided to make one my grandma's favorite recipes- fish crumb fry :))


1 lb - White meat fish fillet

For Marinade
1 Tbsp - Black or yellow mustard seeds
2 Tbsp - Vinegar
1 Tsp - Black pepper
4 cloves - Garlic

For Bread Crumb Coating
3 slices - Bread
1 - Egg
A pinch of Black pepper

  • Add Black Mustard seeds, Vinegar, Black pepper, Garlic and Salt in a blender and grind to make a coarse paste.
  • Marinate the Swordfish with the above mixture and leave aside for 30 mins.
  • Beat egg in a bowl. Add salt and pepper.
  • Add bread slices in the blender and pulse a few times. Transfer the bread crumbs to a flat dish or plate.
  • Discard the excess marinade and immerse each piece of fish into the egg and then coat it with the bread crumbs.
  • Heat oil in a non-stick frying pan and shallow fry the bread-coated fish fillets until golden brown. Serve with Tartar sauce or Ketchup.
Notes & Tips:
  • You can bake the fish in the oven at 350F to avoid frying.Make sure you spray oil generously over the fish before you bake it.
  • You can use any white meat fish in place of Swordfish.

October 19, 2011

Tomato Chutney

It was Mia's (my daughter) birthday last Friday and I was on a cooking spree, trying to whip up some dishes for the small get-together we had planned. The spread was mostly carnivorous in nature and my system just needed a break so I thought of making a simple chutney and dosa that would be both light, healthy and yummy.
This savory chutney is made of tomatoes and it reminds me of a similar dish that was served at one of my previous workplace cafeteria back in India. I used to love it and never used to miss breakfast when it was on the menu.

2 - Tomato
1/2 C  - Red Onion or Shallots (Chopped)
3 - Garlic cloves
1/2 Tsp - Chopped fresh Ginger
3 Tsp - Pottukadala / Roasted Bengal Gram/ Chutney Dhal
Curry leaves - a few
1 - Dry Red Chilly (Use more to make it spicier)

Seasoning/ Tadka
2 - Dry Red Chilly
Curry leaves - a few
1/4 Tsp - Black Mustard seeds
  • Heat oil in a pan and add a dry red chilly and saute for a min.
  • Add onions, ginger, garlic and curry leaves. Saute until the onions are translucent
  • Add the tomatoes and saute until they are soft. Take the pan off the fire and let the tomato mixture cool.
  • Transfer the tomato mixture to a blender.Add the Pottukadala and grind until you get a smooth paste.Do not add water.
  • In a pan, add some ghee and splutter mustard seeds. Add red chilly and curry leaves and mix in the ground tomato paste.

October 17, 2011

Yo Gabba Gabba Cake for Mikaela's 2nd Birthday / Orange cake with Orange Cream Cheese Frosting

Wow..Time does fly fast when you really wish you could hold on to it for some more..Cant believe my little munchkin is already 2!! I seriously wish I could go back in time from the day she was born(I know all mothers would feel the same).
For Mikaela's first birthday, we had organized a Halloween theme party with friends and family, but this time we were keeping it low profile. But you cant have a birthday without a lovely dress and a nice cake, so I decided to ask my little one about the cake she would like for her birthday. Here is the actual conversation:

Mamma : Mia, When is your bday?
Mia : Ochober 14 (Intentional typos trying to capture the actual sounds :))

Mamma : Ok, Very well done. Would you like a cake for your bday on which you can put candles and blow and everyone will sing "Happy bday to you"
Mia : Yeaaah

Mamma : Ok, What cake would you like?
Mia : Gabba gabba cake...!!

Mamma (terrified) : What? How will I make it?
Mia: Muno, Foofa, Brobee, Toodee, Plex

Mamma (totally terrified) : Wow Mia. You really know what you want !!

So as per the instruction from HQ, I go ahead and start my planning. I decided to use fondant and gum paste to make the figurines. As a test run, I initially made a few figurines with play-dough to find out whether it would look like what I had in mind.

Here is Brobee, the little green one

Foofa - She is pink and happy :)
Toodee - She likes to have fun
Plex- a magic robot
Muno- he is tall and friendly

Last but not the least, the Yo Gabba Banner!

The cake was a Orange cake with Orange cream cheese frosting. Here is the recipe for a 10 inch bundt cake or one 9*13 inch pan. I had to double this recipe as I made 1 round 11inch cake and 1 round 5inch cake.

Orange cake recipe
 1 (18.25 ounce) package vanilla cake mix
 1 (3.6 ounce) package instant vanilla pudding mix
 3/4 cup orange juice
 1/2 cup vegetable oil
 4 eggs
 1 Tbsp - Orange zest
  • Grease a 11 inch Bundt pan. Preheat oven to 325 degrees F (165 degrees C).
  • In a large bowl, stir together cake mix and pudding mix. Make a well in the center and pour in 3/4 cup orange juice, oil, eggs and lemon extract. Beat on low speed until blended. Scrape bowl, and beat 4 minutes on medium speed. Pour batter into prepared pan.
  • Bake in preheated oven for 50 to 60 minutes. Let cool in pan for 10 minutes, then turn out onto a wire rack and cool completely.
Chocolate Ricotta Cake filling
Makes approx 1 1/4 cups of filling
2/3 C - Chocolate Morsels
3 Tbsp - Butter
2/3 C - Ricotta Cheese
  • Add the butter and chocolate morsels to a microwave-safe bowl and microwave for 1 min.
  • Take the chocolate out of the microwae and mix well. 
  • Using a electric beater mix the melted chocolate and ricotta cheese until smooth. If you feel this mixture is runny, then place it in the firdge for 15 mins and then use it.

Orange Cream Cheese Frosting
Makes about 4 cups
2 8-ounce packages - Chilled cream cheese
8 Tbsp - Unsalted butter, room temperature
1 1/2 C - Powdered sugar
2 Tsp - Fresh orange zest
1 Tsp - Vanilla extract
1/3 C - Chilled sour cream
  • Using electric mixer, beat cream cheese and butter in large bowl until well blended.
  • Beat in sugar, then orange peel and vanilla.
  • Beat in sour cream.
  • Cover and refrigerate until frosting is firm enough to spread, about 30 minutes.
Here is the bday collage :)

October 16, 2011

Waldorf Salad

Waldorf salad is a refreshing take on the typical salad dish and is made of fresh apples, celery and walnuts, dressed in mayonnaise. You can serve this as itself or dress it on a bed of lettuce or lettuce cups, either way its surely a winner! The sweet and tarty apples, crunchy celery, nutty toasted walnuts wrapped up in thick creamy mayonnaise brings a perfect balance to the salad. 
An interesting fact: Waldorf salad was created at New York's Waldorf-Astoria Hotel in 1896 not by a chef but by the Dining Room Manager, Oscar Tschirky, and it was an instant success. The original version of this salad contained only apples, celery and mayonnaise. Chopped walnuts later became an integral part of the dish.

Serves 4
1 lb (450 gm) - Red skinned Apples (cored and diced)
2 Tbsp - Fresh lime juice
4 - celery stalks (sliced)
1/2 C - Mayonnaise
1/3 C - Walnuts, toasted and coarsely chopped

Toss the diced apples with lime juice. Add celery and mayonnaise and mix. Season with salt and pepper. Stir in the walnuts. Serve chilled.
Tip and Notes
  • The acid in the lemon juice prevents the apples from turning brown.
  • The apple you use should be fresh and crisp to achieve optimum taste
  • You can add pomegranate or cranberry to this salad as garnish.

October 13, 2011

Broken Wheat Payasam \ Gothambu Payasam

It is my little girl's birthday and so I guess it is a good excuse for the family to indulge in some delicious Payasam. In India we typically celebrate all special occasions with traditional desserts and in Kerala (the Southernmost state of India,where I hail from) we usually prepare one of the many different variations of payasam. I absolutely love this dish and would vouch for this as my favorite traditional dessert. This is prepared rich and luscious with jaggery,chewy wheat bits, creamy coconut milk, special Kerala bananas and cardamom that add a unique flavour and the ghee fried raisins, cashew nuts and coconut pieces.

Serves 8

Broken wheat – 1 cup
4 3/4 C - Water (divided)
4 whole pods - Cardamom
12 oz / 350 gm - Jaggery or Karipatti
1 Can (13.6oz) - Unsweetened Coconut milk
Whole milk – 1 1/2 cups
1 1/4 Tsp - Cardamom powder (Refer Notes)
3 - Ripe Small Kerala banana like Palayam kodan or Poovan (Refer Notes)
1 1/2 Tbsp - Ghee
1/4 C - Cashew nuts
1/4 C - Raisins
1/2 C - Coconut pieces
  • Cook the broken/ cracked wheat with 4 cups of water and 4 whole pods of cardamom in a pressure cooker on high heat. After the first whistle, reduce the heat to medium low. Cook for only 10 mins from start to finish. Remove from heat and wait until the pressure subsides.
  • In a non-stick pan add jaggery and 3/4 cups of water and cook until the jaggery melts. Strain this mixture and keep aside.
  • Open the pressure cooker and add coconut milk, jaggery syrup, cardamom powder and milk.
  • Mash the banana with a spoon. Add the mashed banana and cook until the payasam starts to bubble. Remove from heat.
  • Heat ghee in a pan and fry the coconut pieces. Once they are golden brown, take them out with a slotted spoon. Add the cashew nut sand raisins to the remaining ghee and saute until the cashew nuts are golden brown and raisins puff up.Add the fried coconut, raisins and cashew nuts to the payasam. Serve hot or cold.
Notes and Tips
  • Kerala banana can be found in Asian stores or Indian stores.Try not to skip this ingredient as it adds a lot of flavour
  • If you use a dark brown Jaggery or Karipatti you will get a dark brown payasam.
  • I use Thai Kitchen Canned Coconut milk. That is by far the best canned coconut milk I have used.
  • If you don't have a pressure cooker, you can cook the wheat on stove top. Bring 4 cups water to a boil in a non-stick sauce pan.Slowly stir-in the cracked/ broken wheat. When mixture begins to thicken(about 5 mins), reduce heat. Simmer uncovered for 30 mins or to desired consistency stirring occasionally.
  • This payasam is not too sweet but if you want a sweeter payasam just add more jaggery.
  • I used homemade cardamom powder which had the skin and seed of the cardamom. If you are using the cardamom seed powder, it will be stronger and so you will have to use just 1/2 Teaspoon. Adjust the spice according to your taste.

October 10, 2011

Brussels Sprouts and Potato

Recently I was engaged in a conversation about Super foods based on ANDI scores (Aggregate Nutrient Density Index score) and I realised that I was not cooking some of the top-tier vegetables on that list often.
Below is the list of super foods that you too could include in your daily meals.

Top 30 Super Foods

1. Collard/Mustard/Turnip Greens…1000
2. Kale ………………………………………1000
3. Watercress ……………………………..1000
4. Bok Choy ……………………………….. 824
5. Spinach …………………………………. 739
6. Broccoli Rabe …………………………. 715
7. Chinese/Napa Cabbage …………… 704
8. Brussels Sprouts …………………….. 672
9. Swiss Chard …………………………… 670
10. Arugula ……………………………….. 559
11. Cabbage ………………………………. 481
12. Romaine Lettuce …………………… 389
13. Broccoli ……………………………….. 376
14. Red Pepper …………………………… 366
15. Carrot Juice ………………………….. 344
16. Tomato/Tomato Products ………. 190 – 300
17. Cauliflower …………………………… 295
18. Strawberries …………………………. 212
19. Pomegranate Juice ………………… 193
20. Blackberries …………………………. 178
21. Plum ……………………………………. 157
22. Raspberries …………………………… 145
23. Blueberries ……………………………. 130
24. Orange …………………………………. 109
25. Cantaloupe ……………………………. 100
26. Beans (all varieties) …………………. 57 – 104
27. Flax/Sunflower/Sesame Seeds ….. 52 – 78
28. Pistachios ………………………………. 48
29. Tofu ………………………………………. 37
30. Walnuts ………………………………….. 34

Brussels Sprouts was one of those nutritionally rich super veggies that I should have incorporated into my family's menu earlier. They belong to the cabbage family and look like miniature cabbage. Here is a simple yet delicious Sabji (Indian style stir fry) for you. 

Serves 6

1 Lb - Brussels sprouts (Halved)
2 - Medium Potato(Chopped
3 - Dry red chilly
3/4 Tsp - Red chilly powder
1/4 Tsp - Turmeric Powder
1/4 Tsp - Cumin Seeds / Jeera
1/2 C - Onion (Chopped)
1/8 C - water

  • Heat oil in a pan. Add dry red chilly and saute for a min. Add cumin seeds and saute until they cumin seeds into light brown color.
  • Add onion and saute until the onions are translucent
  • Add the red chilly powder, turmeric powder and saute for a min.
  • Add potatoes and cook for about 5 min and then add the Brussels sprouts. Add water and salt. Cook covered for 10 mins or until the Brussels sprouts are tender. Serve hot.
Note and Tips
  • It is very important not to overcook Brussels sprouts. Not only do they lose their nutritional value and taste but they will begin to emit the unpleasant sulfur smell associated with overcooked cruciferous vegetables.
  • To reduce the heat from the red chilly powder, you can substitute it with paprika powder

October 6, 2011

Cocoa and Dates Smoothie

This rich and wholesome smoothie makes for a good breakfast, snack or even a meal substitute by itself. This is a good way to use those over-ripe bananas too :)

Serves 2-3 (Makes 5 cups)

1 1/2 C - Milk
10 - Dates (Pitted)
2 Tsp - Cocoa powder
2 - Ripe Banana
2 - Apple (Skinned)
2 Tbsp - Cashew nuts
1 Tbsp - Peanut Butter
2 Chopped Dates for garnish

Mix all the ingredients in a blender. Serve with chopped dates. Enjoy !

October 5, 2011

Challah - Jewish Egg Bread

This beautiful braided loaf of bread might look intimidating to bake but it really is easy. The dough is also easy to work with. All this recipe requires is - a lot of time especially for the yeast to raise the dough, so start your cooking well in advance or else you will end up like me, serving a very late dinner :(

I absolutely love the sight and aroma of baking bread but I don't bake all that often. This recipe motivated me a lot and hence I have decided to bake bread more often. Stay tuned in for more bread recipes!

Challah is a traditional bread used during Jewish Sabbath. It is a delicious treat and all the effort that goes into making it is well worth!

Yields 1 braided loaf
1 1/4 C - Warm Water (110 F/45 C)
1 1/2 Tsp - Active dry yeast
1/4 C - Honey
2 Tbsp - Oil
1 - Egg
1Tsp - Salt
4 C - Unbleached All-purpose flour plus additional flour for kneading
1 Egg for Egg wash

  • In a large bowl, add yeast over warm water (110 F/45 C).
  • Once this mixture becomes frothy, beat in honey, oil,1 egg, and salt.
  • Add flour one cup at a time, beating after each addition, graduating to kneading with hands as dough thickens. Knead until smooth and elastic and no longer sticky, adding flour as needed.
  • Cover with a damp cloth and let rise for 1 1/2 hours or until dough has doubled in size.
  • Punch down the risen dough and turn out onto a floured surface.Knead for 5 mins adding flour as needed to keep dough from getting sticky.
  • Divide the dough into 3 parts and roll into long cylindrical rolls. Pinch the ends of the 3 rolls together firmly and braid.
  • Grease the baking tray and place braided dough on it.
  • Cover with a damp towel and let rise about one hour.
  • Preheat oven to 375F (190C).
  • Beat the remaining egg and brush a generous amount over the bread.This gives the bread a shiny brown crust.
  • Bake for about 40 minutes.
  • Bread should have a nice hollow sound when thumped on the bottom. Cool on a rack for at least one hour before slicing.
Notes and Tips
  • Always store your yeast in the refrigerator
  • Check the expiry date on the yeast package before you start baking.
  • You can add 1 cup raisins or golden raisins to the dough just before shaping them.
  • You an add Poppy seeds or Sesame seeds on the bread.
  • If you want a sweeter Challah, you can increase the honey to 1/3 C. You can also add cinnamon sugar if desired.

October 4, 2011

Chicken Tikka Masala

Chicken Tikka Masala is a very popular Indian dish and is served in restaurants around the world. This dish is a wonderful combination of grilled chicken, marinated in yogurt sauce and served in a creamy tomato based tangy but spicy sauce.
For those weight-watchers out there, the comforting fact is that this version does not have heavy cream in it but tastes as good or even better than the regular version. 

Serves 6

2 1/4 Lb - Chicken breast or split breast(Cut into bite-size pieces)
4 long skewers

1/2 C - Yogurt
1 1/2 inch - Fresh ginger
12 cloves - Garlic
1 1/2 Tsp - Chilly powder
1/2 Tsp - Turmeric powder
1/2 Tsp - Ground cumin/Jeera
2 Tsp - Coriander powder
1 1/2 Tsp - Dry Fenugreek (Methi) leaves
1/2 Tsp - Freshly ground black pepper
1/4 Tsp - Chat Masala
1/4 Tsp - Garam Masala
Salt to taste

For Tomato Gravy/Sauce
3Tbsp - Butter/Ghee or Oil
4 clove - Garlic, minced
1 1/2 C - Chopped Onion
2 1/2 C - Chopped Tomato
1/2 Tsp - Cumin powder/Jeera powder
1/4 Tsp - Turmeric powder
1 Tsp - Chilly powder
1 1/2 Tsp - Dry Methi/Fenugreek leaves
1 1/2 C - Whole Milk (*Refer Notes)
Salt, or to taste

1/4C - Chopped fresh cilantro
1 Tbsp - Butter/ Ghee (optional)

  • Grind ginger, garlic, chilly powder, cumin, black pepper, turmeric, chat masala, garam masala, salt, methi leaves and coriander powder in a blender with 3 tablespoons of yogurt.
  • Add the paste to the rest of the yogurt and mix well.
  • Stir in chicken, cover, and refrigerate for atleast 1 hour.
  • Preheat the grill on high heat.
  • Lightly oil the grill grates. Thread chicken onto skewers, and discard marinade. Grill until juices run clear, about 5-6 minutes on each side. Do not over-cook as it will make the meat tough and rubbery
  • Melt butter in a large, heavy skillet over medium heat.
  • Saute garlic and onion and cook until the onions are brown in color.
  • Season with cumin, chilly powder, salt, turmeric.
  • Crush the methi leaves between the palm of your hands and add it to the pan.
  • Stir in chopped tomatoes and cook until the tomatoes loose their texture.
  • Now transfer the cooked onion-tomato mixture to a blender and blend to make a sauce
  • Transfer the sauce back to the pan and add whole milk.
  • Simmer on low heat until sauce thickens, about 20 minutes.
  • Add grilled chicken, and simmer for 10 minutes.
  • Transfer to a serving platter, and garnish with fresh cilantro.
Notes and Tips
  • You can substitute whole milk with 1Cup heavy cream.
  • You can substitute fresh chopped tomatoes with tinned tomatoes.
  • You can grill the chicken tikka on a outdoor grill or stove top grill.

October 3, 2011

Frittata with Collard Greens and Cottage Cheese

Frittata is Latin for omelette but is prepared differently than omelettes, usually started on the stove-top and finished under the broiler. The result is an egg dish that is firm, and nicely brown on the top and edges.
Frittatas require an ovenproof skillet for preparation, but no other special equipment. These are great dishes to highlight fresh, seasonal ingredients or a perfect way to utilize leftovers and are perfect for breakfast, brunch, lunch or dinner.

Serves 2

4 - Eggs
1/2 C - Frozen Collard Greens (*Refer Notes)
1/2 C - Low-fat Cottage Cheese
1/2 Tsp - Paprika
1/4 Tsp - Freshly ground pepper
1/4 C - Onion (Chopped)
2 cloves - Garlic (Finely chopped)
3 Tbsp - Grated Pepper Jack cheese or any cheese of your choice
  • Preheat the Broiler and position the rack 15cm away from the heat source.
  • Beat the egg and season with salt and pepper.
  • Add oil to the *oven-proof skillet and add onions, garlic and saute until the onions are translucent.
  • Add paprika and thawed collard greens. Saute until the water evaporates off.
  • Add cottage cheese and saute until the water evaporates off.
  • Add the eggs to the pan and stir gently to combine. Cover and cook gently for 2-3 mins (the frittata should remain moist on top)
  • Remove the cover and add grated Pepper Jack cheese on top and transfer the skillet under the broiler. Cook for 5 mins or until the frittata is set and lightly browned.
  • Let it stand for 5 mins
  • Cut it into wedges and serve warm with the bread of your choice.
Notes and Tips
  • You can use a cast-iron skillet or non stick pan that has a flame-proof handle and is oven-safe, to cook your frittata. I used a 6 inch cast iron skillet for a 4 egg frittata.
  • A fresh tomato salsa would pair well with this frittata.
  • You can multiply the ingredients and make some extra to store in the fridge, for a quick morning breakfast for your busy work days.
  • If you are using fresh collard greens, use 1C of chopped leaves.
  • You can substitute Collard greens with Kale, Swiss chard or Spinach.


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